Tuesday, December 2, 2014

10 Health Benefits Of Green Apples

Green apples provide a huge range of health and beauty benefits, especially when compared to red apples. There are various types of apples — the sweet ones being the most common. Green apples, on the other hand, are more the sweet and sour type (this is popularly classified as cooking apples).
The sweet and sour variety are amazing, as well. Here are some general benefits and perks you can find:
They offer a humongous range of health benefits, being used in the wine industry, in cooking, and, commonly they are specially grown for their healthy oils.
Green apples possess glossy skin, along with a juicy flesh. They’re high in fiber and help keep the digestivetract clean and healthy.
That’s not all, of course — these wondrous fruits offer loads of other benefits. Read on to learn about both the health and beauty benefits of green apples.
The Various Health Benefits of Green Apples
As mentioned, there are various green apple benefits. Here are just a few prominent health benefits of green apples:
1.)Dietary fiber content. The first and most important green apple benefit is its dietary fiber content, which helps in the regulation of the bowel movements and thereby helps in the overall digestive process.
2.)Decreases chance of colon cancer. Due to the high fiber content, green apples in turn offer another great benefit — the drastic reduction in the possibility of colon cancer.
3.)No bad cholesterol. Green apples have the benefit of giving your stomach a sense of satisfaction, so you don’t tend to overeat with them. Moreover, green apples don’t contain any bad cholesterol. Therefore, one can easily reduce their weight and still remain healthy by consuming green apples.
4.)Lower cholesterol. As already mentioned, one of the major green apple benefits is the high fiber content. These high levels of fiber can help to reduce cholesterol already present in the body.
5.)Easing digestion. If you’ve consumed something heavy and are worried about whether your stomach can take it, you could just go ahead and have a green apple. Green apples can help ease the digestion, due to the enzymes present in the apple.
6.)Reduction of liver and digestive tract issues. Green apples also reduce liver problems and can help prevent digestive tract problems.
7.)Prevention. Green apples can help prevent diarrhea, as well as constipation and gout. They contain both tartaric as well as Maleic acid, thereby helping to reduce the chances of indigestion.
8.)Antioxidants. Green apples contain both flavonoid and polyphenol — all forms of antioxidants. Because of this, they can prevent various forms of cancer and DNA damage.
9.)Appetite control. Green apples secrete organic acids that can help your appetite. So, if you suffer from low appetite due to intestinal peristalsis, you can help this by eating green apples.
10.)Energy. Green apples are energy givers. They contain carbohydrates, which are especially good for people playing any form of sport or leading a hectic life.
Bonus: Beauty Benefits of Green Apples
Green apples aren’t just good for one’s health, but they’re also one of the best fruits when it comes to restoring lost beauty. Of course, restoration of your beauty could be considered a health benefit, as these apples help cleanse your skin and keep your teeth and gums healthy. Therefore, in addition to providing health benefits, they’re also natural beauty therapists.
If you’re a person focused on your beauty and skin health, then you’ll certainly reap the benefits of green apples. Green apples contain vitamins A, B, C, as well as E. Hence, this can help in the whitening of skin — they also help keep your skin fresh and glowing.
Skin diseases can also be controlled by the consumption of green apples. Therefore, if you or anyone in your family suffers from rashes or any other form of skin condition, you could always enlighten them with this green apple benefit.
Lastly, here’s a list of small, but huge green apple benefits: they help purify blood, keep the gums healthy (and therefore even the heart), help in keeping the teeth clean, memory is enhanced (and elderly nervous problems could be reduced), gallstones could be prevented, and the control and cure of rheumatism can occur, as well.

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