Wednesday, December 24, 2014

12 Amazing Benefits Of Squash For Skin, Hair And Health

12 Amazing Benefits Of Squash For Skin, Hair And Health

Though squash is basically a vegetable from the botanical point of view, they are generally considered as fruits as they contain the seeds of the plant. Squashes belong to one of the four varieties of Cucurbitaceae family of vegetables. These fleshy vegetables are protected by a rind. It is said to have originated about 7500 years ago in Mexico and Central America. However, they are used as a vegetable when being cooked. There are generally two types of squash- summer squash and winter squash depending upon their harvest time.
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1. Summer Squash: This variety is less mature and smaller in size, and should be eaten sooner. There are generally 4 types of summer squash, crookneck, zucchini (green and yellow), straight neck and scallop (pattypan). They have thin edible skin and tender flesh that has high water content with sweet and mild flavour. Their soft seeds are rich in vitamins A and C, and niacin. The best ones are small in size (about 4 to 6 ounces each) with blemish free skin. They should be refrigerated in a plastic bag for not more than 5 days.
2. Winter Squash: Contrary to its name, winter squash is a warm weather crop. The name has been derived because they can be stored throughout the winter. The common types of winter squash include spaghetti squash, acorn squash and pumpkins. Winter squash are more mature and can be stored and can be used later. They have hard, thick skins and seeds and a high content of vitamins A and C, iron and riboflavin. They have a firmer flesh and their skin is inedible. So they are required to be peeled before cooking. They consume more time to get cooked. The best ones are those which are heavy in size and have a hard, deep-coloured blemish-free skin. They can be stored unrefrigerated in a cool dark place for a month.
Both summer and winter squashes are extremely versatile. They are a healthy choice to replace foods that are high in calories and cholesterol. Spaghetti squash can be a good low calorie substitute for pasta. Similarly, thin slices of squash can be added to sandwiches or sprinkled on salads. These vegetables can also be pureed to make a highly nutritious and delicious squash soup. Winter squash can be roasted in the oven with maple syrup. Desserts like squash pudding can also be prepared using squash.

Health Benefits Of Squash

Squash is a nutrient rich vegetable. Summer squash generally has higher water content than denser varieties of winter squash. Hence, winter squash is considered more nutritious. However, both the varieties of squash offer various health benefits.
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1. Beneficial for Heart:

Yellow squash can reduce the risk of heart disease, as it contains negligible fat and almost no cholesterol. It also contains magnesium which has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Magnesium along with potassium helps in reducing high blood pressure, whereas vitamin C and beta carotene levels aid in preventing the oxidation of cholesterol. These nutrients abate the development of atherosclerosis by preventing the build-up of oxidized cholesterol in the walls of the blood vessels.The vitamin folate present in yellow squash helps in removing the unhealthy metabolism by product called homocysteine responsible for heart attack and stroke. Moreover, yellow squash is particularly rich in folate which lowers cholesterol levels. Thus, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

2. Good for Weight Loss:

Summer squash for weight loss is a very good choice, as it is fat free and very low in calories. A cup of yellow squash contains about 36 calories, 7 grams carbohydrates, 1 gram protein and less than 1 gram fat besides being cholesterol free. It derives its few calories from its carbohydrate content which is also quite low. Hence, if you want to lose weight, you can easily replace higher calorie vegetables like potatoes and corn with yellow squash.

3. Prevents Cancer:

Summer squash has a high content of antioxidants which help in eliminating free radicals from the body. The high levels of beta carotene provide protection from pollutants and chemicals that can lead to cancer. It is also a rich source of vitamin C, which prevents pre-mature ageing and cancer as well as inhibits cell division. It also contains vitamin A which provides protection against lungs and oral cavity cancers.

4. Healthy Bones:

Yellow squash contains abundant amounts of manganese and vitamin C. Manganese helps in maintaining healthy bone structure, calcium absorption, enzyme creation and bone building as well as improves the mineral density of the spinal column. Vitamin c is involved in the production of collagen, which is vital for building bone mass. Magnesium also contributes to the health of joints and bones. Other minerals in squash such as iron, folate, zinc and phosphorus contribute to the mineral health of bones and provide protection against osteoporosis.

5. Eye Health:

Summer squash contains high amounts of beta carotene and lutein. Dietary lutein plays an important role in preventing the onset of cataracts and macular degeneration, which often leads to blindness. A cup of summer squash contains about 135 milligrams of beta carotene and 2400 micrograms of lutein. Carotenoids found in winter squash also reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

6. Good for Colon Health:

The abundant content of fiber in yellow squash makes it beneficial for colon health. F helps in the excretion of toxins from the body and maintains colon health by preventing constipation. A cup of yellow squash provides about 2.52 grams of f.

7. Maintains Prostate Health:

Yellow squash is effective in alleviating the symptoms of a condition called benign prostatic hypertrophy or BPH. This disease is characterized by a problematically enlarged prostate gland that causes difficulties in both urinary and sexual functions.

8. Reduces PMS Symptoms:

Summer squash is a good source of manganese. A study proved that the women who consumed high amounts of this mineral as part of their daily diet, suffered from lesser mood swings and cramps than others. Thus, eating squash is a great way to increase your intake of magnesium.

9. Boosts the Immune System:

Vitamin C in squash boosts the immune system, in a way preventing colds and fighting allergies. The rinds of few varieties of squash are a rich source of fiber, which aids in proper digestion and can prevent many types of diseases. Thus, you should consider eating the peel or rind along with the squash to avail these benefits.
squash skin benefits
Image: Shutterstock
Skin Benefits Of Squash
We all wish to have a flawless glowing skin. However, the pressures of modern life have their own effect on your skin, thereby causing various skin problems. These problems can be attributed to various factors such as exposure to UV rays and harmful chemicals, unhealthy lifestyle, prolonged illness etc. A balanced diet greatly helps in providing certain vital nutrients that can keep your skin healthy. Vegetables in general are good for skin and squash is one of them. Being rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, squash is quite beneficial for your skin.

10. Maintains Healthy Skin:

As stated earlier, squash is an excellent source of vitamin A. It has beta-carotene that gets converted into vitamin A within the body. Being a powerful antioxidant, vitamin A is required for maintaining proper health and integrity of skin.

11. Prevents Skin Ageing:

One of the essential benefits of squash includes protection against the damaging effects of sun exposure and preventing dehydration. Moreover, it contains high content of vitamin C, which fights free radicals within the body, thus preventing signs of ageing like fine lines, wrinkles and pigmentation. Regular consumption of squash keeps your skin hydrated.

Hair Benefits Of Squash

Hair problems are a common sight these days and are caused by various factors. Some of these factors include exposure to harsh chemicals, deficiency of vital nutrients and prolonged illness. These can cause problems like hair loss, dandruff, thinning and premature graying. Certain vegetables are responsible for stimulating hair growth and squash is one of them.

12. Promotes Hair Growth:

As stated earlier, squash is a rich source of beta-carotene which is a safe, non-toxic form of vitamin A. This pigment is vital for forming and maintaining healthy hair. It prevents hair breakage and promotes optimum growth. Thus, making squash a part of your diet is a great way for maintaining a healthy mane.

Squash Benefits And Nutritional Value

Both summer and winter squash fall in the category of highly nutritious vegetables. Summer squash has higher water content. On the other hand, winter squash is packed with more nutrients. Summer squash generally contain higher concentration of beta-carotene and luteine. Both varieties of squash contain trace amounts of B vitamins as well as healthy doses of iron calcium, magnesium and potassium. The rinds of squash are rich in beta-carotene. The nutritional profile of this vegetable is explained below.
Butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata), fresh,
Nutritive value per 100 g.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
Energy45 Kcal2%
Carbohydrates11.69 g9%
Protein1.0 g2%
Total Fat0.1 g0.5%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber2 g5%

Folates27 µg7%
Niacin1.200 mg8%
Pantothenic acid0.400 mg8%
Pyridoxine0.154 mg12%
Riboflavin0.020 mg2%
Thiamin0.100 mg8%
Vitamin A10630 IU354%
Vitamin C21 mg35%
Vitamin E1.44 mg10%
Vitamin K1.1 µg1%

Sodium4 mg0.5%
Potassium352 mg7%

Calcium48 mg5%
Copper0.072 mg8%
Iron0.70 mg9%
Magnesium34 mg9%
Manganese0.202 mg1%
Phosphorus33 mg5%
Selenium0.5 µg<1%
Zinc0.15 mg1%

Carotene-α834 µg
Carotene-ß4226 µg
Crypto-xanthin-ß3471 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin0 µg
Vitamins: Squashes are excellent sources of vitamin A and a very good source of vitamin C. Carotenoids, particularly beta-carotene are the primary sources of these vitamins. Butternut squash has the highest levels of vitamin A, with 100 grams providing 10630 international units (IU) of this vitamin which is equivalent to 354% of recommended daily allowance (RDA). It provides 21 mg of vitamin C, which is 35% Of RDA. Squash is also rich in B-complex vitamins like folates, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), thiamine and pantothenic acid.
Calories and Fat: Unlike other vegetables, squash is low in calories with 100 grams of this vegetable providing just 45 calories. It is free of saturated fats and cholesterol which makes it an ideal weight loss food. It contains a negligible fat of 0.2 grams.
Potassium: Squash is an abundant source of potassium with 100 gram serving providing 345.60 mg of potassium. This mineral is a key electrolyte that maintains the balance of fluids and provides muscle energy.
Flavonoid Compounds: Squash is also rich in natural poly-phenolic flavonoid compounds like alpha and beta- carotenes, cryptoxanthin-B and lutein. These are converted into vitamin A within the body.
Manganese: Squash is a good source of manganese. This mineral helps the body process fat, carbohydrates and glucose.
Coumarins: Squash also contains coumarins. Though these are not individually anticoagulants, they interact with other nutrients to act as anticoagulants. Their blood thinning effects make them beneficial for combating high blood pressure or poor circulation. Thus, keep heart diseases at bay.
Fiber: Squash is a good source of dietary fiber which plays an important role in digestion. A 100 grams serving of yellow squash provides about 2.52 grams of fiber.
Others: The seeds of butternut squash are a good source of dietary fiber and monounsaturated fats in addition to proteins, minerals and numerous vitamins. They also contain a health promoting amino acid tryptophan, which gets converted into health benefitting GABA neuro-chemical in the brain.
Thus, from the health benefits of squash mentioned above, it is clear that squash is definitely a healthy and tasty choice to be a part of your diet. There are numerous varieties of summer and winter squash, with each variety having its unique taste and nutritional properties. Therefore, you can enjoy this amazing vegetable any time throughout the year to procure its various health benefits.

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